Sunday, November 27, 2022

NGC1499 in Perseus


NGC1499 is an emission nebula in Perseus. This is thirty-nine 300s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Ultimate filter at the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on November 26th, 2022. Star field is twenty 240s guided subs from Kopernik Observatory in Vestal, NY on November 18th, 2022. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics RedCat 51 FL 250mm f/4.9. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight.

Monday, November 21, 2022

IC1805 The Heart Nebula and NGC869, NGC884 The Double Cluster


IC1805, NGC 869 and NGC 884 are emission nebula and pair of clusters known as the double cluster. The is fifteen 240s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter at the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on November 20th, 2022. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics RedCat 51 FL 250mm f/4.9. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight.

IC405 The Flaming Star Nebula, IC410 The Tadpole Nebula, IC417 The Spider and the fly nebula.


IC405, IC410 IC417 in Auriga are emission nebula. M38 an open cluster is also present in the Image. FOV is 6.73˚ X 4.94˚. This is twenty-three 300s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Ultimate filter at the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY On November, 20th 2022. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics RedCat 51 FL 250mm f/4.9. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Witches Head Nebula NGC1909


NGC1909 The Witches Head Nebula is a reflection nebula in the constellation Eridanus. FOV is 2.59˚ X 4.71˚.  This is sixty 240s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Obsveratory in Vesper, NY on October 29th, 2022 with an Optolong L-Pro filter. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight.

IC434, M42,M43 and M78


The Orion Constellation is very active region of space with emission and star forming regions. Shown are the three Orion belt stars as well as Orion's sword. The FOV is 7.39˚ X 4.61˚. This is forty five 240s guided subs and fifteen 5 second guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter from Kopernik Obersvatory near Vestal, NY on November 18th, 2022. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics RedCat 51 FL 250mm f/4.9. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight.

NGC1499 The California Nebula First Light WO RedCat 51


NGC1499 The California Nebula is an emission nebula in Perseus. The FOV is 7.27˚ x 4.87˚ This is twenty 240 second guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter from Kopernik Obersvatory near Vestal, NY on November 18th, 2022. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics RedCat 51 FL 250mm f/4.9. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Heart and Soul Nebula IC1805 and IC1848


IC1805 and IC 1848 the Heart and Soul nebula are emission nebula in Cassiopeia. The field of view of this mosaic is 5.39˚ x 4.49˚. The IC1805 panel is twenty four 300s guided subs taken on 11/2/22 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY and thirty-five 300s guided subs taken on 11/3/22 from my backyard. The IC1848 panel is thirty three 300s guided subs taken from 11/4/22 from my backyard. All subs were taken with an Optolong L-Ultimate, an astro-modified Canon EOS6D at ISO1600. iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Orion Mosaic


This Mosaic of M78, NGC2024, M42, M43, NGC1977, IC434. It was taken over two nights at the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on October 21st and October 22nd, 2022. This is two panels. The right panel has eighty 180s guided subs while the right panel has 95 180s guided subs and twenty 10s guided subs. FOV is 8.45 x 2.92

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

EAA/Planetary session 10-11-22

As the moon was nearly full and I was not pleased with the AP results from the night before due to moon blocking OIII data. I decided to do some planetary and really give the EAA live stacking functionality of the ASI AIR a try for the first time. It was a nice change of place slewing from target to target. A few of which I had never looked at or photographed before. I spent just about 10 minutes on each target taking 30 second exposures on each target so that the darks would match for post processing. 

The pictures are not on the level of AP but i'm pleased with the results considering I spent no more than 10 minutes on each target. I also used the Celestron 127SLT Mak-Cas to magnify some of the smaller targets that would really be out of range for the wide field of my WO91.

Saturn in monochrome

Jupiter and moons in monochrome

The Moon

M57 The Ring Nebula in Lyra

M92 a globular Cluster in Hercules

M13 the great globular cluster in Hercules

M71 a globular cluster in Sagitta

M27 The dumbbell nebula in Sagitta.

M76 The little dumbbell in Perseus

M2 a globular cluster in Aquarius

NGC7009 The Saturn Nebula in Aquarius

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Messier 45 The Pleiades



Messier 45 an open cluster surrounded by nebulosity in the constellation Taurus. This is thirty nine 240s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on September 23rd, 2022. FOV is  4.65˚ 2.86˚ An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight.

Messier 33 the Triangulum Galaxy


Messier 33 the Triangulum Galaxy in the constellation Triangulum. This is seven 300 guided subs taken with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter on August 12th 2022 and forty-one 240s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter on September 23rd, 2022 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY. FOV is 2.97˚x 1.99˚. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Collinder 399 Brocchi's Cluster (Coathanger)


Collinder 399 Bronchi’s cluster is a random grouping of stars that appear to form an asterism shaped like a coat hanger. This is two 240s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on September 15th, 2022. FOV is 2.91˚ x 2.5˚. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Messier 13 the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules


Messier 13 the great globular cluster in Hercules. This is twenty four 60s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on September 15th, 2022. FOV is 1.95˚ x 1.21˚. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

NGC7000 and IC5070 The North America and Pelican Nebula

NGC 7000 and IC 5070 the North America and Pelican nebula are emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus. FOV is 4.73˚ X 2.98˚ This is twenty-five 300s guided subs taken with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter on June 11th, 2022 and twenty 240s guided subs taken on September 15th, 2022 taken from from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

M16, M17 and M24 in Serpens and Sagittarius.


Messier 16, Messier 17 and Messier 24 are emission nebula and star clusters in the constellation Serpens and Sagittarius. This was a mosaic of two images taken with fifteen 240s guided subs each on August 24th, 2022 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY. Both images were taken with an Optolong L-Pro filter. FOV is 7.6˚ x 2.8˚. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

IC1805 and IC1848 the Heart and Soul nebula

 IC1805 and IC1848 the heart and soul nebula are emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. This is eight 300 second guided subs taken on August 12th, 2022. from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter. FOV is 4.23˚ X 2.67˚ An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Bubble Nebula NGC7635 in Cassiopeia

NGC7635 and emission nebula in Cassiopeia with open cluster M52 and other emission nebula. This is eighteen 300 second guided subs taken on August 9th, 2022 and fifty-five 300 second guided subs taken on August 12th, 2022 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter. FOV is 4.23˚ X 2.67˚ An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Sh2-54 M16 and M17 mosaic

This is my first mosaic created from the individual photos of Sh2-54 and M16 and the photo of M16 and M17. FOV is 6.74 ˚ X 2.68 ˚ Sh2-54 and M16 is thirty five 300 second guided subs taken on 7-30-22 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter. ISO1600. M16 and M17 is twenty-one 300 second guided subs taken on 6-19-22 and fifteen 300 second guided subs taken on 6-21-22 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter. ISO2000. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

IC1284 and M24 in Sagittarius


IC1284 and emission and reflection nebula with M24 the small Sagittarius Star Cloud in Sagittarius. This is thirty-one 240s guided subs taken on August 2nd 2022 rom the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

IC5146 in Cygnus


IC5146 and Barnard 168 in Cygnus. FOV is 4.73˚ x 2.98˚. This is nineteen 240s guided subs taken from Selkirk Shore State Park in Pulaski, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Sh2-54 and M16 in Serpens


 Sh2-54(NGC6604) and M16 The Eagle are emission nebula and HII regions in the constellation Serpens. FOV is 4.73˚ X 2.98˚This is thirty six 300 second guided subs taken on 7-30-22 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Messier 31 The Andromeda Galaxy



Messier 31 (The Andromeda Galaxy) is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Andromeda. Messier 32 and M110 are also present. FOV is 4.73˚ X 2.98˚. This is ten 240s guided subs taken on July 3rd, 2022, thirty 240s guided subs and 25 120s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro. Total exposure time is 3 hours. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Milky Way at the DHO 7/25/22


The Milky Way galaxy from Sagittarius to Cygnus. this is 50 stacked 20 second subs untracked taken at the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper NY on July 25th, 2022. FOV is approximately 100˚ This is with an Astro-modified Canon EOS 6D at ISO1600 with a Rokinon 14mm F2.8 lens.

This was also a stack of 4 images taken on 7-21-22.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

NGC 7223 The Helix Nebula


NGC 7223 The Helix or God’s Eye nebula is a planetary nebula in Aquarius. This is fifteen 300s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter on July 22nd, 2022 and twenty two 300s guided subs taken from the DHO on July 23rd, 2022. FOV is 2.95˚X 1.72˚ An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

NGC7380 the Wizard Nebula


NGC7380 the Wizard Nebula is an open cluster surrounded by an emission nebula that looks like a wizard in Cepheus. This is twenty six 300s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter on July 22nd, 2022. FOV is 2.49˚X 1.46˚ An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

IC4756 and NGC6633 in Ophiuchus

 IC4756 and NGC6633 the Tweedeee and Tweedledum clusters in Ophiuchus. This is seventeen 180s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter on July 21st, 2022. FOV is 4.38 x 2.93. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) M10, and M12

Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) and Messier 10 in Ophiuchus This is eight 180s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter on July 16th, 2022.  An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9. Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight

Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) and Messier 10 and Messier 12 in Ophiuchus. This is two 180s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter on July 16th, 2022.  An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9. Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and processed in PixInsight

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) and Messier 10 in Ophiuchus

Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) and Messier 10 in Ophiuchus. This is eight 180s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter on July 16th, 2022.  An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera at ISO1600, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Messier 16 and Messier 17


Swan Nebula

M16 and M17 The Eagle and Swan Nebula is an emission nebula with an open star cluster and HII region in the constellation Serpens. FOV is 4.73˚ X 2.98˚This is twenty-one 300 second guided subs taken on 6-19-22 and fifteen 300 second guided subs taken on 6-21-22 from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter. An astro-modified Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The North America and Pelican Nebula


NGC 7000 and IC 5070 the North America and Pelican nebula are emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus. FOV is 4.73˚ X 2.98˚ This is twenty-five 300s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter on June 11th, 2022. A Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

NGC6888 the Crescent Nebula


Caldwell 27 (NGC6888) is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus. FOV is ~ 4.73˚ X 2.98. This is twenty-four 300s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-eXtreme filter on June 28th 2022. A Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Veil Nebula

 The Veil Nebula (Caldwell 33/34) a supernova remnant in the constellation Cygnus. FOV is 4.73˚ X 2.98˚ This is  thirty-two 240s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on May 29th, 2022 with an Optolong L-eXteme and twelve 240s guided subs taken from the DHO on June 4th, 2022 with an Optolong L-Pro. A Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

The Andromeda Galaxy

 Messier 31( The Andromeda Galaxy) is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Andromeda. Messier 32 and M110 are also present. FOV is 4.73˚ X 2.98˚. This is three 120s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter on June 4th 2022. A Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Messier 106 June 4th, 2022

 Messier 106 is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. FOV is 3.57˚ X 2.07˚  This is thirty 240s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY with an Optolong L-Pro filter on June 4th 2022. A Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Night time-lapse with the Milky Way and Cygnus Sunset to Sunrise June 4th, 2022 at the DHO

 A Timelapse of the MilkyWay taken on June 4th, 2022 from Sunset to Sunrise. The Andromeda Galaxy appears midway through the video.

Messier 22

Messier 22 a globular cluster in Sagittarius. FOV is 4.36˚ x 2.23˚. This is sixteen 240s guided subs taken from the Darling Hill Observatory in Vesper, NY on June 3rd, 2022 with an Optolong L-Pro filter. A Canon EOS6D camera, iOptron CEM40G mount, ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, William Optics 50mm guide scope, ASIAir Plus, William Optics FLT 91 + Flat 6AIII 0.8 reducer FL 432mm f/4.9.